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Paid Advertising Services: Acquire New Customers Today!

Global Marketing Agency is one of the best Paid Advertising Services companies in the United States. We have managed hundreds of campaigns, A/B tested hundreds of ads and ad sets to increase CTR and understand the mechanism of funnel management to land clients ad sales. If you’re ready to take your paid advertising services to the next level, reach out today to get a free quote!

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Get an experienced manager

$1+ million in annual ad spend

Increase PPC results with


Individual campaigns managed


Explore PPC Services

PPC campaigns are amongst the most important business growth tactics. They are essential when it comes to customer acquisition growth. Not only do we have extensive experience running large campaigns, we also ensure conversion rates look healthy while vastly surprising CPM cost. Reach out now!

Google Ads

Google Ads is an essential tool for every business looking to attract new clientele.

Start off with a 2 week A/B testing campaign before diving deep head first. Get the data to figure out what works for your business and niche, and then go on the offense based on what works!

IG & FB Ads

If you’re selling a product or a service, Instagram and Facebook ads is a must!

You’ll be able to present yourself in a way that search engine marketing will not allow for. Get creative, and start reaching your target audience today!

YouTube Ads

YouTube ads is todays underdog when it comes to ad delivery. YouTube is the 2nd most used platform in the world, and it is a search engine.

Get in front of your target audience in ways that are more cost-effective, and effective! Start today!

LinkedIn & NextDoor

If you’re a B2B business, LinkedIn Ads is the place to be! its advanced targeting, you can now get in front of your exact ideal client!

If you’re a local business, NextDoor advertising will take things to the next level! Get your business out there today!

Google Ads (Restricted)

At GMA, we specialize in Google Ads management, strategy implementation, A/B testing and CRO. We help clients realize their goals by reverse engineering how to get their leads to become the ideal customers.

We also specialize and have extensive experience creating and managing campaigns in restricted industries that generally get flagged and prohibited to advertise on Google. We know how to get your restricted ads approved!

Ready for your business to start getting more leads? Reach out today and get started!

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